Aaron Li
Founder, CEO
Aaron founded Qokka (a crypto sentiment and analytics startup), built 1wallet (a keyless crypto smart wallet), and is the technical mastermind behind several other ambitious crypto projects through hiddenstate.xyz. Previously, Aaron worked at Google AI, Scaled Inference, NICTA as an independent contributor, founding engineer, and team lead. His contributions advanced the state-of-the-art in AI and machine learning. Some of his work has been used by hundreds of researchers in their publications, and many tech companies to better serve hundreds of millions of users. Aaron is the recipient of Best Paper Award from ACM SIGKDD 2014 for his research in AI. Aaron has a research MSc in Language Technologies at Carnegie Mellon University, and a BSc with 1st class honors at Australian National University with quadruple majors in Computer Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics. Aaron lived and studied in Beijing (China), New Zealand, Australia, Pittsburgh (USA), before moving to and settled in San Francisco, California. In his free time, he studies law and enjoys exploring intersactions between law / courts, AI, and crypto. He was one of the very few immigrants who represented himself successfully for "Alien of Extraordinary Ability" permanent residency in US.